
parenting, girl mom, feminist Mieke Smith parenting, girl mom, feminist Mieke Smith

How I'm Dressing My Daughter For A Feminist Future

By Raakhee Mirchandani for Elle Magazine

She was inconsolable. The tears were streaming down her face, the stress was palpable: "I don't want to President, I want to be me!" Satya shrieked, her tiny little face red with worry.

This one was on me. I had laid out a sweet little "Future President" t-shirt, complete with a tutu and a pair of Doc Martens. It was #toddlerswag, #outfitgoals and whatever else moms much cooler than me would call it.

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election, female president, girl mom, feminist Mieke Smith election, female president, girl mom, feminist Mieke Smith

A Letter To My Three-Year-Old Daughter: The Future Is Still Female. It Is You.

By Raakhee Mirchandani for Elle Magazine

My little Satya,

I thought when you woke up this morning we would celebrate with ice cream for breakfast—a sweet treat to toast the new lady President we've been talking about for so many months. It was a joy to take you to the polls yesterday, in matching "The Future is Female" shirts, no less—a cheeky little girl-to-girl wink we giggled about all day.

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How To Build A Feminist Library For Your Baby

By Raakhee Mirchandani for Elle Magazine

It was bedtime and I was reading "The Story of Ruby Bridges" to my almost 3-year-old daughter Satya. She was wiggling and squirming, picking things out of places I would rather not mention. A little frustrated—like, hello, little toddler, don't you see me totally killing this parenting thing right now?—I let her have it, "Satya, if you don't want to listen to mama, I can just stop reading." She sat back down. The kid loves story time.

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